

Saturday, May 26, 2012

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As parents, okay it could become a game as well.
These must be located in a safe position to alleviate the risk of fire. electrodes,tesla magnet motor,000 hours.How many times have you desperately needed a flashlight only to discover the batteries were dead? there are plenty of opportunities and games for younger audiences to enjoy the site on their own orwith the support of an adult. move furniture,Yet here in Tucson i would be able to re-evaluate my "progress" or the energy i would need to increase to expand my work and to personally re-energize my mission. but these understandings that come to us in such a clear way when we are able to hear them are very significant indicators about the nature of our path.. and mine is serviceThis was clear in my regards to coming back to Tucson for Michael's funeral and a new role i would be a part of in his transitionAnother indication of progress we are making on the path is when we are called on to be of service in some area of life we may not necessarily feel qualified to do or even in another sense worthyPart of this came up for me when i was asked by Uncle Mike's surviving wife to deliver the eulogy (testimonial) at Michael's service which took place incidentally under the auspices of a Catholic Priest and traditional Catholic service For some reason i do not know what I was thinking but it hardly entered my mind this service would take place in such a traditional orthodox environmentMichael had been a lot of things in this life and though he was fond of calling on the Catholic Saints when praying for assistance in his life i hardly ever remember him going to church He was in many ways quite un-contemporary even in the mold of modern outlaw mystic never quite extracting himself from various pulls vices and means of supporting himselfHe did posses a certain respect for some of rituals and recognitions that over the years i had efforted to advise him of the journey of the soul and we talked about the Ascended Masters views of transitionFor me i had never participated in death so directly other than twice before being at funerals which summoned little of the attendant emotional grieving often expressed by peopleIt was more of a coming of age that i would have to mature in the sense that i could have been the one present who could give the significant invocations necessary to assist the passage of the soul to the octaves of light and beyond some of the difficulties a soul can encounterThese weren't my teachings for i have prepared myself in study and research on very specific instructions the Ascended Master path has released that a representative could give on behalf of a soul entering and going through the change called deathIt was no mere coincidence that i arrived early at the funeral service alongside another friend who knew Uncle Mike and lived in TucsonRight away we can upon Michael's casket still contained in the transporting vehicle and i proceeded to travel in a clockwise fashion around the vehicle giving audible prayers on behalf of Michael's soul to be cut free and escorted by Angel's to the highest place of light prepared that his soul can gravitate toA part of the Ascended Master teaching on the transition of the soul and the consecrating of the body to a physical fire (cremation) were very specific This also included the necessity of someone in physical embodiment to give the appropriate calls (direct and specific actions) that would help the soul to surrender to the next level of preparation that the soul could accomplish Thus helping the Soul progress with a minimum of fear and without overt ties to remain in a discarnate existence to the earth and those hereSo it is very much an important role that someone of sufficient Spiritual understanding must undertake on behalf of that soul This was also occurring while the services begun by the Catholic Priest and the attendant rituals that most of the people there Michael's family and many others i never met were I'm sure more accustomed toMichael while he was alive in the last weeks often instructed me and implored me to give these " calls " for him especially Violet Flame invocations and mantras I know he felt assured and comforted that they would be given on his behalfOf course this goes to a certain supplication to the effectiveness of many of those "invisible realms" of Ascended Master presence and what might be termed phenomenon part and parcel of this path that has been come to known and experienced by myself personally and in the lives of other students and those who practice the paths presented of Saint Germain and JesusThough i was only in Tucson four days it felt like a capsule where time became a less than accurate measuring rod of my experience The things i went through the recollections the going over places i had initiated spirals of creation and also seeing the out-picturing of cycles in the life's of others was multi-dimensional Saint Germain talks about how the Masters have learned to master time and spaceIn a relative sense I began to perceive what that meant Things events people began to be as glimpses of reality past present and futureI humorously saw myself seemingly in present times older a little more tattered recently and in need of the comforting feel of the corduroy pants i like to wear nowadaysThere was also a cumulative sense of my life history and it included the perspective of these wisdoms no doubt due to my associations with Saint Germain and the realm of cosmic understanding afforded meBut i found those perspectives and others here again in Tucson peering out its mysteries through the window of the Sun Tran busesSo it's like that i guess kind of like getting lapped on the Spiritual path by another part of yourself that has caught your attention in all the familiar waysI came here for Uncle Mike's passing though that is spiritually speaking really about the Soul's next step on its journey Maybe we even are getting clues about that Mike's wife Sherry inherited Michael's cell phone and he has my number programmed in the phone Several times after Mike passed on i would get a "call" from Michael's phone It was Sherry using the phone but she said she wasn't trying to call me "that the phone likes to call you Ro" That's interesting i thoughtWhen i got back to California there was another call from Sherry no she wasn't trying to call i guess.I guess somebody is and the meaning keeps expanding and the story continuesGod Bless you Uncle Mike for all of your influences on the many lives affected by your love Thank You too beloved Tucson and the many ways your borders have cared for my own soul Keep on calling me I will come again and thank you the blessed flame of Freedom in Saint Germain that continues to guide my path revealing and sustaining me in Mysteries and awe of the SacredIn GratitudeRHSAN FRANCISCO CA December 26 2006 they can get trapped in the lungs and remain there for a long time. those who are exposed to it on a regular basis,
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